Home WORLD Young Couple Climb Onto The Housing Ladder With Incredible Tiny Home

Young Couple Climb Onto The Housing Ladder With Incredible Tiny Home


This weeks episode showcases a dynamic young couple and their amazing first tiny home.This home is modern, stylish and was an affordable way for them to get into their very own house in a city where most young people have been priced out of the housing market.

source/image(PrtSc): Living Big In A Tiny House

Especially in cities like Auckland, where the average house price is close to a million dollars, it can be incredibly hard for young people to get onto the housing ladder. This couple thought outside of the box though and decided to start climbing the first step by building an amazing tiny house on wheels!

Laura and Declan have created a spectacular home for themselves. It’s modern, high quality construction has given them a wonderful first home and a brilliant asset which enables them to escape the rent trap and start building housing security.


In todays housing market, many young people have given up on the idea that they will ever be able to own their own home and have resigned themselves to being renters for life./Living Big In A Tiny House
