Home Technology Byblock Recycled Plastic Building Blocks

Byblock Recycled Plastic Building Blocks


Byblock is the first construction-grade building material made entirely from recycled (and often un-recyclable) plastic waste.The ByFusion Blocker is able to convert 100% of plastic waste into building materials called ByBlock.

source/image(PrtSc): ByFusion

Solving the plastic waste problem is bigger than any person, company, or country can tackle alone. Our patented, eco-friendly, scalable systems enable our partners to get their community’s plastic waste under control – helping to reduce, and eventually eliminate, the world’s plastic crisis.

The first thing you’ll probably notice about the large building blocks is how cool they look. Each one has a mix of vibrant colors because the plastic waste it’s formed from — like water bottles, packaging and other single-use items — is still visible.


ByFusion works with material recycling facilities, waste management operations, municipalities and corporate partners to upcycle their rubbish. The zero-waste process uses a whopping 30 tons of trash per month.

With a width of 16”, height of 8”, and depth of 8”, ByBlocks are similar in dimension to a standard concrete cinder block (CMU). Each ByBlock weighs 10 kg and can be used to provide a sturdy, reliable, and well-insulated structure. Blockers repurpose any category of plastic waste without needing to sort, clean, or pre-process it first – empowering communities to put their plastic waste to work for good.
