Home ENGINEERING Custom Turbo Diesel Tesla Hybrid 1000+mi Of Range

Custom Turbo Diesel Tesla Hybrid 1000+mi Of Range


US-based Youtuber Warped Perception has posted a video in which he builds the first custom turbo diesel tesla model s hybrid and takes a 1000+mile road trip without charging the car.

source.image: Warped Perception

I Build The First ever Turbo Diesel Tesla Hybrid with over 1000 miles of Range on a single charge, it runs on Electricity like a conventional EV but also runs on Diesel.

It can run on Diesel alone or Electricity alone and gets more range than any electric vehicle on the road today.


I go on a 2500 Mile Road trip to ride the Jet Powered Pontoon Boat then to New York City, then to build the Jet Powered Hovercraft and Finally to LiquidPiston to see their newest engine that may be the next Diesel engine I put in the Tesla to power it.
