Home WORLD Digital Nomad Builds a Home On The Road

Digital Nomad Builds a Home On The Road


While living in Chicago for over ten years, Brittany hosted many couch surfers in her home. At some point, she told one of the couch surfers how badly she wished she could live like him, to which he asked, “Why can’t you?” and Brittany realized she didn’t have a genuine reason for procrastinating her traveling dreams.

source.image: Tiny Home Tours

Soon after, she started living nomadically out of a backpack and spent two years traveling the world.

When she returned to the U.S., she wasn’t ready to give up traveling and decided to switch from backpacking to vanlife.


She hasn’t looked back since. This van was built for Brittany by Dave & Matt’s Vans, which you can find at https://dmvans.com/. It has so many beautiful features from the spacious kitchen, the fixed full-sized bed, and tons of closet space, it’s easy to see why this van has become Brittany’s dream home on wheels.
