Home CRAFTS Do It Yourself Miniature PIZZA OVEN From Mini Bricks

Do It Yourself Miniature PIZZA OVEN From Mini Bricks


In this video, I showed you how to build a mini pizza oven. The construction process is very interesting. How can you make it more round and need pillars. I hope You like my Miniature Pizza Oven constructions with mini real bricks.I hope you learned how to bricklaying bricks and make reinforced conscrete model.

source/image: BigWR

Have you thought about it? If you like, just make one with me. The pizza it passes is really delicious.While you will need to spend your time, you won’t need to spend much money to get this pizza oven built.

Watch BigWR as he builds a tiny oven using miniature real bricks, and is capable of cooking actual pizzas. This is so much cooler than an Easy-Bake Oven.First Prepare a foundation for your miniature brick oven filling it with concrete. After your foundation has cured, begin constructing your brick oven.


Red clay bricks are typically used for building the decorative arch and optional sides around the oven vent and vent landing, and can be used for any decorative feature.This project is an excellent choice for creative hobbyists.Last, use your brick oven to bake pizzas, bread, and other delicious dishes.
