Home WORLD Dog’s Amazing Escape From 3 Big Hungry Wolves

Dog’s Amazing Escape From 3 Big Hungry Wolves


In Pescasseroli, in the heart of the Abruzzo National Park, the zoologist Paolo Forconi managed to capture a scene as rare as it was cruel. Three young wolves, about nine months old, chase a small dog and bite it twice.The golden coloured dog, which appears to be a Belgian Shepherd or German Shepherd cross, looks to be in serious trouble.

image/text credit: La Repubblica

Before it quickly changes direction and heads back along the fence as the trio of wolves continue to give chase.The dog, however, thanks to the little experience of the wolves and the low power of the bites received, manages to escape, exploiting a hole in the fence.

“The dog is saved”, Paolo Forconi confirmed on Facebook.The BRAVE, canny and extremely quick canine has enjoyed an incredible escape from a menacing wolf pack in thick snow in the mountains of southern Italy.


The video shows the wolves surround and chase the dog, managing to bite it two times, but the smaller canine makes a narrow escape by jumping through an opening in a nearby fence.
