Home CRAFTS How to Make Free Energy Hydraulic Water Pump – Ram Pump

How to Make Free Energy Hydraulic Water Pump – Ram Pump


How to make a hydraulic improved version of hydraulic ram pump which requires no electricity and no motor.This pump consisting of four brass check valve which increase pressure and water output.

source/image(PrtSc): Junkyard – Origin of Creativity

This pump uses falling water to lift a lesser amount of water to a higher elevation than the source. So, being primarily used for lifting relatively small amount of water to a higher elevation.

The basic idea behind a ram pump is simple. The pump uses the momentum of a relatively large amount of moving water to pump a relatively small amount of water uphill.


If you want to deliver 2 cubic meter of water to an elevated location, you need at least 6 cubic meters of water to operate the pump 4 cubic meters of which will be used to drive the pump and goes directly as waste.
