Home WORLD Lazarus MK2 Human Powered Plane

Lazarus MK2 Human Powered Plane


Really nice flight by pilot Niall Patterson at the controls of the Lazarus MK2 human powered aircraft at the 2021 Icarus cup. The video shows that the aircraft is controllable and stable, as well as structurally very good. The main issues were power requirement on takeoff, which limited flight time. This is being worked on for the next version of the airplane.

source.image: SUHPA…

The Human Powered Aircraft Society at the University of Southampton are preparing to compete in this years Icarus Cup with their latest aircraft. The team have been building their most recent model improving on their previous aircraft that gained them their Formula Flight success.

Watch to find out more about how they’re preparing for their next competition. Constructed from XPA foam, carbon fiber and balsa wood for a superior strength-to-weight ratio, this impressive aircraft boasts a 78-foot wingspan with an empty weight of just 112 pounds.


Its nearly 10-foot propeller can be engaged to generate 400W of power – enough to launch the 13′ long elevator and 6.56′ rudder into flight.The aircraft has a 24-metre wingspan, and weighs in at approximately 45 kg and 3-metre diameter propeller.
