Home WORLD Living Full Time Aboard Toko a 6ft Houseboat Tiny Home

Living Full Time Aboard Toko a 6ft Houseboat Tiny Home


This unique tour is one that must not be missed. Joe, a Navy serviceman, has been living on “Toko” his 36ft, 1982 Ed Munk offshore yacht for the last year!

source/image(PrtSc): Tiny Home Tours

Living tiny isn’t new to Joe as he was part of the #vanlife movement traveling around Japan, but living on a boat full time was a whole new beast.

Fortunately, the previous owners took immaculate care of interior but like anything from 1982 there needed to a facelift. The auto-pilot, electronics, and electric wench were all areas that Joe tackled.


With so much space to hang both in the interior and on the “back deck,” Joe has really made this boat his home. Awesome job Joe, and may you have fair winds and flowing seas!/Tiny Home Tours
