Home CRAFTS Match Chain Reaction Space Rocket Built With 1,000,000 Matches

Match Chain Reaction Space Rocket Built With 1,000,000 Matches


Gathering materials for this project is a bit of a guessing when it comes to how many matches you will need. 1 Million matches is a lot of matches, which means lighting them all together is a lot of fire.

source/image: Technical TechTube

The way it burns is crazy to watch.It took me a lot of hard work and time to make this rocket.

Technical TechTube built a space rocket in 750 hours and used 1 million matches in the process, and actually managed a successful take-off.


Matchstick Art is recreational and a valuable activity in occupational therapy in cases where the muscles in the hand and arm need rehabilitation.The author uses a template to glue the matches on.

Time Spent:

  • 600 Hours (making phosphorus powder from matches)
  • 40 Hours (cutting matches)
  • 70 Hours (gluing matches on cardboard rings)
  • 50 Hours (Editing Video)