Home WORLD Mechanic’s Self-Built Drivable Upside Down Ford Ranger/F-150 Pickup Truck

Mechanic’s Self-Built Drivable Upside Down Ford Ranger/F-150 Pickup Truck


A mechanic has built an incredible upside down truck that looks like a flipped-over vehicle. Rick Sullivan spent six months and $6,000 building the topsy-turvy truck from the parts of two separate vehicles.

source/image: Barcroft Cars

We tore the body off of it and transformed the F150 upside down on to the Ford Ranger.There’s no blueprint. I just started buying parts and then putting it together.

The road-legal car is created from a 1991 Ford Ranger pickup truck with a 1995 F-150 pickup truck body placed over the top – upside down.


The wheels on the top actually spin with the aid of electric motors, and it’s street legal. ullivan and his passengers sit in the underside of a inverted truck body, while side view mirrors at the base of the road-legal vehicle add to the illusion.
