Home Technology Sun Tracking Floating Solar Islands SolarisFloat PROTEVS

Sun Tracking Floating Solar Islands SolarisFloat PROTEVS


Made by SolarisFloat, Protevs is a unique project in the world that will certainly bring new challenges for the environment, economy and the solar photovoltaic industry.

source.image: Global Update

SolarisFloat has developed an innovative floating solar solution that is unlike the many being installed in water bodies around the world.

With single or dual axis tracking, the floating island is powered by electric engines that consume less than zero point five percent of the total energy produced. the installation, named Protevs, is the first to merge floating solar panels with Sun tracking technology.


The island is currently floating in Oostvoorne Meer, a lake in the southwest Netherlands. Comprising 180 mobile solar panels, Protevs has a total installed capacity of 73 kilowatts of peak power and provides an increase in energy production by up to 40 percent, thanks to its sophisticated technology that permits its double sided panels to turn according to the Sun’s movement.
