Home WORLD Tesla Motor In A 1980s Honda Accord The “The Teslonda”, Does 0-60...

Tesla Motor In A 1980s Honda Accord The “The Teslonda”, Does 0-60 In 2.7 Seconds


YouTuber Jimmy Built stuffed a Tesla motor and the battery pack from a Chevy Bolt into a ragged old 1981 Honda Accord to create what he calls, creatively, the “Teslonda.”

image/text credit: Jimmy Built

Some of our first 0-60 mph testing in Teslonda. We managed to get 2.7 seconds out of her, and that is with 38 degree asphalt, cold tires and a cold battery. I’m thinking 2.5 seconds is possible.

We reckon that we will see more of this very special Honda Accord EV in the future, perhaps unleashed on the drag strip, but until then, let’s check out the videos that follow to see just how insane such a ride actually is.


The car is also outfitted with a lithium-ion battery from a Chevy Volt, a wheelie bar, and a straight-axle “gasser” type suspension. The Accord launches hard, but you can see its powerful electric motor overwhelms the rear tires. When everything is sorted, Jimmy Built thinks a 2.5-second run is in the cards.
