Home WORLD MonoTracer E Road-Legal 2-Seater Electric Enclosed Motorcycle

MonoTracer E Road-Legal 2-Seater Electric Enclosed Motorcycle


The Monotracer-E is a fully electric high performance enclosed motorcycle,with the Monotracer-E you can have the safety, comfort, weather protection and practicality of a 2-seater sportscar combined with the riding dynamics.

source: peraves /image: Financial Times

The Peraves Monotracer moves in two or four wheels, depending on the circumstances.The E-Tracer will be able to reach 200 mph and has already won the Progressive Automotive X Prize. Its full kevlar body makes it resist any crash.

Manufacturer Peraves has added lithium-ion batteries for that jolt of electricity, with a full charge reportedly being enough for 300km if average speeds are 100km/hr.With a big 150-kilowatt motor and a 24 kilowatt-hour battery pack it has an impressive range of 200 miles.


It will run for three hours on the freeway.The Monotracer-E is also equipped with leather interior, 4.6 cubic ft. luggage compartment,Oxygen iPhone-Radio, ventilation system and heaters. According to the manufacturer Peraves costs around $100,000 + local VAT.
